
다윈의 비글호 항해 경로

짜라 2011. 6. 16. 10:09
비글호 항해 경로
Path of the Voyage of the Beagle

01. Plymouth Sound
02. at sea
03. Madiera Islands
04. Tenerife, Canary Islands
05. Porto Praia, Santiago,Cape Verde Islands
05a. St Paul's Rocks
06. Fernando de Noronha
07. Salvador , Brazil
08. Abrolhos Shoals
09a. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
09b. exploring 1
09c. exploring 2
09d. exploring 3
10. cottage
11. Montevideo
11x. South American Specimens
12. Fort Argentina
13. Bahia Blanca
14. Back to Montevedio
15. Good Success Bay, Tierra del Fuego
16. At sea
17. Windhond Bay
18. Entering the Pacific
19. Talcahuano, Chile
20. San Juan Fernandez Islands
21. Santiago, Chile
22.  Copiapo, Chile
23. Northern Chile
24. Lima, Peru
25. Galapagos Islands
26. Tahiti
27. New Zealand
28. Australia
29. Tasmania
30. Australia
31. Cocos Islands
32. Mauritius
33. Cape of Good Hope
34. St. Helena
35. Ascencion
36. South America - again
37. England

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